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Xanthelasma palpebrarum are flat soft yellow fatty deposits in the skin of the eye lids, more commonly affecting the upper eye lids.
In 50% of the patients a hyperlipoproteinemia (disturbance in the fat metabolism) can be found. Therefore, lab-test should be performed to exclude concomitant disease. The following treatment options exist:

  1. Excision of the xanthelasmas. This only works for small lesions.
  2. Shaving by electrocauterization. Xanthelasmas are being heated with electric current and thus removed.
  3. Treatment with coagulating lasers, e.g. argonlaser, pulsed dye laser. Xanthelasmas are heated and subsequently reabsobred by the body.
  4. Removeal by CO2- oder Erbium:YAG-laser: Xanthelasmas are directly evaporated.
In general, all the above mentioned methods are equally effective. One should also consider that xanthelasmas may recur even after successful therapy. The removal is not covered by state health insurance and thus needs to be payed for by the patient himself (IGEL-Leistung).